Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Newton's First Law

A) This is what I learned about Newton's First Law.  I learned an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.  This is Newton's First Law and it basically means that unless stopped, an object will keep going forward.  In a frictionless plane, an object will never stop because there is no opposing force against it. 

What I have found difficult about what I have studied is the x component and y component.  I was not sure whether to put cos or sin.  I always assumed cos with the x component and y with the y component but I learned how to fix this problem.

My problem-solving skills have definitely increased since the beginning of this unit.  It was hard starting with a new teacher but I figured out how to solve the problems easier.  The subject material is now like the back of my hand.

B) Can you make any connection(s) between what we studied and everyday life, history, situations in the world, any other subject you are studying or your own life?

 In a car crash, you must always wear seat belts or you will keep moving until you hit the glass.  a hockey puck sliding along ice does not move forever; rather, it slows and eventually comes to a stop. According to Newton's first law, the puck comes to a stop because of a net external force applied in the direction opposite to its motion.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Newton's First Law

A) This is what I learned about projectile motion.  I learned that when you fire a projectile perfectly horizontally, the horizontal velocity is constant.  I also learned that the vertical velocity changes uniformly.  I learned that to best describe projectile motion, you must consider the horizontal and vertical motion separately.  This is also how to solve projectile motion problems in physics.

What I have found difficult about what I have studied is projectile motion and that is why I chose it for my blog.  Projectile motion is now my best area in physics thanks to this blog.  Learning about projectile motion in a creative way is a very effective way to look at what you are studying in physics

My problem-solving skills have definitely improved throughout this year.  My strength in problem solving is my ability to analyze what the problem is asking and how to solve.  However, over-analyzing problems is a problem for my solving problem skills.  I will try to do more than I am ask and I will get the problem wrong

B) Can you make any connection(s) between what we studied and everyday life, history, situations in the world, any other subject you are studying or your own life?

In the military, you must use all sorts of projectile motion for missiles and rockets.  In sports, such as golf, baseball, and basketball.  In hunting, you must take account the wind, and how long the shot is.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009



Borat teaches projectile motion

Projectile Motion Interview


text to speech video

On a famous television show, Dr. Hans Shrugenberger, a famous projectile motion expert, tries to teach everybody projectile motion but has a hard time doing it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Content: Street Fighter Teaches Projectile Motion

GoAnimate.com: Street Fighter Physics by jonnyboy721


In this short video, Street Fighter tells you how to use physics if you run into your evil nemesis

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Voki



My first voki.  Enjoy

I Don't Like Surprises


Wordle: http://www.wordle.com/

My first wordle with many physics words and equations